America's War On The Overweight Summary

707 Words3 Pages

America’s War on the Overweight by Abby Ellin and Kate Dailey

In the United States 66 percent of adults over the age twenty are considered overweight or obese. With more than half the population overweight or obese it raises the question, why is there still anger? Authors, Abby Ellin and Kate Dailey of America’s War on the Overweight uncover and exploit the widely known misconceptions that being fat coexists with being bad and skinny thrives being good. With the continuous increase in obesity across the nation, the thin lifestyle has become widely favored, causing extreme fat shamming and criticism from angry people who do not quite understand the harsh reality of being overweight and the difficulties it brings.
The issue Ellin and Dailey are touching upon is a particularly difficult one. As the society that surround the issue contains several thousands of angry people. Over the course of the decade, as a whole the United States as put on the pressure of reducing the obesity rate and cracking down schools to educate the students on healthy choices and habits. Yet, people are still harassing, hating, and judging overweight people. Is it really possible to eliminate the discrimination and hatred all together? Ellin and Dailey believes that is is hard for the …show more content…

As these people who hate, are discouraging the overweight people who are really trying to lose weight and make themselves healthier individuals. While, yes there are some who are truly lazy and do not care about their health, it does not give others the right to discriminate against them. Living in a rather free society people should be able to choose whether they want to be overweight or not. Also they note that thin people feel threatened by overweight people as they think the overweight people are getting something they are not, or are getting more than their fair share of the things in