Analysis Of A Subculture Of Gamers Like Guns, Too !

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Gamers Like Guns, Too! A subculture is a cultural group within a larger culture that has different views from those of the larger culture. In all the subcultures in our world, the one that stood out and lured me in was first person shooter gaming. First-person shooter gaming, FPS gaming for short, is a genre of gaming that involves competitive combat in the first-person view. FPS games are what I grew up on. When I figured out that FPS games were considered a subculture to gaming, I knew then and there it was important to inform all gamers about the greatness of FPS gaming. The subculture of FPS gaming is the best subculture within gaming because it is statistically the best gaming type, it increases the IQ of gamers, and despite all the criticism …show more content…

There is a heavy chunk of the human population that plays video games. Paul Rogers, 41 gaming statistics 2024, article elaborated on the number of people playing video games when he stated, “More than 1.3 billion users play video games in 2024.” This chunk of the human population that plays video games becomes much smaller when you know how many gamers are FPS gamers. Gaming is very popular, but the real popularity comes from the FPS genre. In Roger’s, 41 gaming statistics 2024, article he stated, “The most popular video game genre among all age groups is shooter games. It is preferred by 62.4% of video game players between the age of 16 to 24 years and 58.6% of video game players aged 25 to 34 years.” FPS games taking up about 60% of all gamers attention is definitive proof that FPS gaming is the most superior subculture within gaming. The amount of time spent gaming is also shown when Rogers stated, “In 2021, video game players worldwide spend 8.45 hours every week playing video games on average.” With all this time and attention to the FPS gaming subculture, do not think that there is nothing gained. With so many gamers focusing on FPS games, it is also important to recognize their reward for doing