Analysis Of Soup: A Pape To Nourish Your Team And Culture

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The book “Soup, A recipe to nourish your team and culture’ by Jon Gordon relates to a lot of concepts, framework, and models and the book “Organizational change, an action oriented toolkit by Tupper F Cawsey, Gene Deszca, and Cynthia Ingols. I decide to use Duck five stage change curve model. Stagnation, Preparation, Implementional, Determination, and Fruition. Stagnation occurs when a person has insufficient sense of threat or challenge from the external world and results in need for forceful demand for change from the external environment, internal pressure, or internal leader or group. In soup Nancy started the Duck’s five stage change curve first step which was stagnation when she was first appointed as CEO of the company Nancy was appointed CEO of the company to hopefully save it. Before Nancy was the CEO of she was the vice president of marketing, which her marketing team …show more content…

Duck argues that people long for an excuse to quit the hard path of transformation requiring leaders to recognize this emotional trap and to purse the new vision with high energy and enthusiasm. Nancy was determinate to turn around regardless of what everybody including the board members thought. After another company put up an offer to buy the board members was strongly considering it. Nancy was shock about the news. There were rumors going around that they were possible going to sale but she never thought it could actually happen, and be sold at an every low price. The board felt as if the numbers were not moving up fast enough and they were left with no other option. Nancy had to ensure the board members that they were moving in the right direction, and even though the sales numbers do not show it yet, they will. Nancy was not interested in a quick sale, she was more interested in building a company for the long