Analysis: Should Teens Be Tried As Adults

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There are many teens doing time for as an adult for minor crimes. Many people may argue that it's unfair due to the fact that teens aren't mentally grown. While, on the other hand, some may say that it's fair that teens get tired as an adult because they know what's right from wrong. Teens should be tried as an adult because the crimes they commit are not by accident, teens causing a crime just shows that teens are capable of doing anything, such as robbing a store or murdering someone. The juvenile courts do not have a jury, and offenders are not given a proper trial. Instead the judge makes all of the decisions, often with the help of a team of mediators for the children and their families. By allowing them to be tried as adults, you give them the ability to have a trial by jury. Therefore, it's only right for teens to get tried as adults. …show more content…

This conducts that teens are going to be protected from crimes they caused. Teens are being given opportunities for causing crimes that may or may not be minor according to the law. This displays that even though a teen might commit a felony the law is protecting them, which might cause the state to have a higher crime rate because teens may think that due to the proposition 21 their consequences are not as serious, however, this may cause them to continue to do the