Andy Warhol's Effective Ideas

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Andy Warhol is recorded as saying, “Everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes.” However, Warhol had much more than fifteen minutes. His new artistic creativity and inventive ideas secured him a place in artistic history alongside others such as van Gogh and da Vinci. From painting stars who were in the public eye, such as Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley, to painting everyday objects, such as soup cans, Warhol invited people to review what they see everyday, and see them in a new light. When he was given an art pad as a bedridden child with the rare disease Sydenham Chorea, a spark was lit inside of him, and he drew all that he could. Because Andy Warhol used his whimsical art style, inclusion of everyday objects in his art, art of famous persons, and strange, abnormal films, he became known as the creator of pop art.
Andy Warhol created a new style of art. This art involved bright, popping colors. Because of this, and the ‘popular’ medium he painted, his style came to be known as Pop Art. He used multiple images in many colors nearby each other. The colors were never natural and were always wild and extreme. He used a process known as silk-screen, which involved a grid-like frame …show more content…

One of his most well-known paintings was of multiple Campbell’s soup cans, of various flavors. Warhol also painted items such as shoes or green Coca-Cola bottles. This placed such objects on a pedestal of sorts. He also painted Marilyn Monroe in multiple colors, all side by side, as his art is known for doing. Warhol also made a portrait of Elvis in 1963, when Elvis was at the height of his career. Warhol was friends with many celebrities, such as John Lennon of the Beatles, who made an appearance in paintings. Some feel like this art is meant to be a commentary on life, especially with some of his art coming after tragedy. Warhol’s art of famous persons led to him being seen as one himself, and more of his art being spread and