
Animal Experimentation Persuasive Essay

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Do people really want to go through more painful surgeries? Do they want to watch as their loved ones suffer and die from diseases like polio, malaria, and smallpox? The answer is no. That is why animal experimentation is so important to our society. Animal experimentation improves human health because it saves lives, makes deadly diseases less dangerous, and it makes surgeries less painful.

Animal experimentation saves many human lives. In “Medical Experiments on Animals Are an Important Element of Drug Development”, Patricia George and Geraldine Wagner claim that animal experimentation has helped treat polio, tuberculosis, malaria, and smallpox. Without animal experimentation, polio would kill thousands of people each year, most of the diabetics in America would die, and there would be millions of cases of rubella in the U.S. In “Vivisection Is Right, But It Is Nasty--And We Must Be Brave Enough to Admit This”, Michael Hanlon claims that without animal experimentation, we would not have cancer drugs, effective antibiotics, or proper painkillers. It is clear that animal experimentation is vital to human life. Therefore, animal experimentation saves many lives. …show more content…

In “Medical Experiments on Animals Are an Important Element of Drug Development”, Patricia George and Geraldine Wagner claim that animal experimentation has helped treat such life-threatening diseases as rabies, distemper, feline leukemia, tetanus, and hepatitis. In “The Grim Good of Animal Research” Wesley J. Smith claims that animal experimentation helped transform AIDS from a universally fatal disease into a chronic affliction with which patients can live longer lives. This information shows how so many more people can live longer and healthier lives because of animal experimentation. Clearly, animal experimentation makes deadly diseases much less

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