The Controversy Of Animal Experimentation

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The issue that the Literature Review Essay will be based upon is the use of animal experimentation. The use of animal experimentation has caused the country to divide into two sides whether animal experimentation should be continued or if it should be prohibited. Animal experimentation has been used to find many animal breakthroughs in the medical and science field. Although animal experimentation has been useful, it is seen to others as cruel and inhumane treatment of animals. This issue affects many biopharmaceutical companies, research labs, PETA, and other individuals concerned regarding the topic. Due to the beneficial use ethical views, this has sparked into a controversial topic. This essay will look into the two major views on the …show more content…

The people who support the animal experimentation are hoping for many medical breakthroughs like the past animal experimentations have found. The people who oppose the animal experimentation are against it, because they believe that the animal experimentation are just cruel ways to harm animals and kill thousands of animals through failing …show more content…

Animal Testing Is Not Essential for Medical Research” by C. Ray Greek and Jean Swingle Greek, cofounders of Americans for Medical Advancement, published in Opposing Viewpoints in Context in 2004, states that many animals being used for animal research are not always successful and do not prove anything (C. Greek and J. Greek). Michael Casey in his article “Animal Experimentation Up 73 Percent, Study Says,” published in CBS News on February 26, 2015, talks about how the animal populations are decreasing due to experimentation. The author discusses how the amount of animals in labs maybe around 17-100 million and that populations are decreasing due to the amount of animals that are dying each year (Casey). This evokes the emotion of sympathy due to how so many animals die by animal experimentation. “Scientists Told to Stop Wasting Animal Lives” by Robin Mckie, published in The Guardian on April 18, 2015, talks about how the UK scientists are wasting a lot of animals through animal experimentation. The reason the UK is demanding scientists in reduction of animal experimentation is because so many animals are used in the experiments and there are no positive results. In Mckie’s article, Penny Hawkins of the RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) states, “Animals have suffered unnecessarily and patients have been let down because public money has been wasted on worthless research”