Argumentative Essay On Animal Testing

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Biomedical research is a controversial topic that divides people on the use of animals for research and experiments. Research on living animals is not a relatively new practice, it has been in practice since at least 500 BC and continue around the world as a means of biomedical research (“Animal Testing”). If animals weren't used in biomedical research, the majority of the cures discovered would most likely not exist and people would be dying. Today, animals continue to be important in biomedical research and play a big role in the discovery of medical drugs, cures, and treatments that help not only human but animals too. Animal testing is key to biomedical research in order to ensure that medicines are effective and safe for human use.
One of the responsibilities of the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) is to ensure the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs which …show more content…

Although animals have no rights like humans, Cohen states that it is the moral responsibility of humans to ensure that biomedical research is done humanely and to minimize pain and suffering of animals being used for the greater good of humanity (688). Since “1966, the Federal Animal Wellness Act have been regulating animal experimentation” and researchers must have an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) which ensures humane treatment of animals used in research (“Animal Testing”). When comparing “the number of animals used in research it is but the tiniest fraction of the total used to satisfy assorted human appetites” that includes hunting as a sport; killing animals for the sake of killing is wrong and should be addressed (Cohen 695). Animals that sacrifice their lives during biomedical research die for the greater good of