
What Are The Arguments For And Against Animal Testing Persuasive Essay

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Animal testing, or animal experimentation, also known as in-vivo testing (Testing on a living organism). Animals are used for experiments like toxicology, cosmetics testing, and defense research. Animal testing is usually done in universities, medical institutions, pharmaceutical companies, and commercial facilities. Animals are sometimes subjected to cruel and inhumane tests bisection and poisoning. Animals used in these experiments are laboratories are mostly supplied by special dealers. They are supplied and sold to corporations through pounds, auctions, and newspaper ads. The debate on Animal testing is very divided in the society, they are groups and organizations for it and also against it. There is the proven fact that animal testing helps in drug treatments to improve the well-being of the general public. However, there is the proven fact that animal testing is wrong and must be discontinued. Animal testing is very expensive It costs a tremendous amount of money, as the animals must be fed, and catered for in captivity. Also the fact that, animal testing may a long period of time. The price of animals also included.
There is also the strong argument that the reaction to a drug or experimentation in an animal's body can be quite different from the reaction in a human body. …show more content…

As a result, human harm is reduced and human lives are saved. Whereas Animal rights, and animal welfare organizations like that of PETA and BUAV—question the need and legitimacy of animal testing stating countless animals experimented on are killed during or after experimentation. Some of the substances used for experimentation may never be used resulting to the fact that many animals die in vain and bring no direct benefit to

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