Pro Animal Testing Essay

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Animal testing, also recognized as animal experimentation, animal research, and in vivo testing, is the use of non-human animals in experiments. The universities, medical schools, pharmaceutical companies and farm where the research is conducted. It includes pure research, such as genetics, developmental biology, and behavioral studies as well as applied research like biomedical research, drug testing, including cosmetics testing. Although humans get benefit from animal research, the pain and the deaths of animals are not worth the possible human benefits. I think animals should not be used for research or to test the safety of products. This is because animals are very different from human beings so animals make poor test subjects. There are many differences between animals and people which make animals poor models for human beings such as the anatomic, metabolic, and cellular and animals are not using everyday human stuff such as soap, shampoo. So of course animals will react much differently than humans. …show more content…

There are other ways to test without animals. As an example, in vitro testing, such as studying cell cultures in a petri dish, human cells can be used in this experiment so it can produce more relevant results than animal testing. Next, microdosing, it can be used in human volunteers by donating the blood and then the blood will be analyzed. Besides that, artificial human skin, is made from sheets of human skin cells grown in test tubes and can produce more useful results. Microfluidic chips, which are lined with human cells and recreate the functions of human organs, are in advanced stages of development. Lastly, computer models, it can predict the toxicity of substances on human molecular structures without invasive experiments on

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