
Persuasive Essay Against Animal Testing

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I’m talking about animal testing is it illegal to not illegal. And some testing is illegal and I’m talking about negative and positive things about this topic and do a lot of research on this topic. And some of the testing is hurting our animal population and some of the testing is helping the human population.
An estimated 26 million of Americans a year do animal scientific and commercial testing (Goldarcre,”Animal Reasearch Study”). And advanced in medical medicine, toxic of medicine, and check for safety for the humans to touch or to consume it without dying or getting sick from it. And they are using these animals for illegal testing for protecting humans from being safe for toxics from anything that they can consumed. And opponents for animal testing to say it is cruel and inhumane to experiment on animals and other methods in the experiment to follow different steps in the animal research. And animal testing in the U.S. regulated by the federal Animal Welfare Act passed in 1966 and amended in the 1970 (Paul 13). …show more content…

And to the humans they are lucky they are not dying from bad toxics in anything so the human population is growing rapidly not decreasing rapidly so that is a good thing about the population. And it quickly increasing on population on animal researching and testing on them. The protective the humans from poisonous toxics or chemicals from food or a product that they use to consumed. Animal studies funded by the US Public Health Service and others services about the animals care standards(Paul 17).And the pain and distress on the animal practices on the animals hurt. The animals is being abuse by testing on them and some of the animals being testing poisonous chemicals so they can see if it is cause toxics is poisonous. Some animals died another day or some animals died every day from being illegal

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