Persuasive Essay Against Animal Testing

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The Animals are Dying

Most people don’t know that on average 19.5 million animals are killed per year in animal testing. That’s right, 19.5 million innocent lives lost in the testing of the latest products. When one thinks of the number of innocent blood that was shed when one would take medicine to combat physical pain or a headache they almost won’t want to take the medication. Most people are probably a little sickened by now. On average 13.4 million are cats in dogs, which are common household pets. The majority of people have felt affection for one of these two species before, thinking they were cute or lovable. These people probably feel horrible that 13.4 million of them die a year to make human’s lives more convenient. Take a moment to let this sink in. For these reasons you should protest the testing of animals for products. When most people think of animal testing, they think of rodents. There is even a phrase to encourage this kind of thinking, calling animals used for testing “lab rats.” However, what most people don’t realize that it’s not just these despised animals which we are testing. Other animals include mice, …show more content…

Right now there are millions of animals locked is a cold cage, scared and wondering what they did to deserve this. How can humans have the nerve to cry when we get an undeserving punishment, yet have no pity on the innocent lives that are lost in animal testing? How can humans turn a blind eye to those most in need of our help? Talk show host Ellen DeGeneres once suggested that instead of using animals to test products, we should use prisoners. That humans should use the people who have actually committed a crime, instead of an innocent creature. Ever though this is a bold statement, it’s one we should take note of. It’s time for the non-guilty to stop suffering in the name of humankind. It’s time for us the stop making animals into a