Persuasive Essay Against Animal Testing

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Put yourself in the position of an innocent animal. Their life is great, so far. Until they are being experimented on and there is no guarantee of them making it out alive. Animals would probably feel scared and worried when people test things on them. Animals should be off-limits for experimenting. Each year, around 100 million animals are killed in the United States. Mice, frogs, dogs, cats, rats, monkeys, fish, hamsters, rabbits, fish, birds, and guinea pigs all dead from experimentation. Experiments like medical training, curiosity-driven experiments, chemical testing, drug, food, and yes, even cosmetics testing. Some animals have even had holes drilled into their skulls, or their skin burned off, or spines crushed to purposely paralyze them, and/or forced to inhale toxins to see the outcome. Animals are being treated like useless laboratory equipment and that needs to change. …show more content…

If tests go wrong they can affect the animals in various ways that can be very dangerous. Say an experiment has not been figured out yet and this is the first time testing it on an animal. Two things could happen: one, the experiment could succeed and move on. Or two, it could fail and be a disaster for both the people and the animals and the animal could possibly die. So, people should keep the animals safe instead of putting them in danger. Tests could also have a major impact on animals abilities to continue to care for themselves. Some experiments put animals in a position where they are no longer able to provide for themselves because they may be disabled as a result of the testing. Experiments may also lead to paralysis, death, or possibly extinction. The test might lead to some defects and end up hurting the animals physically and mentally. The outcome could also make them have difficulty for the rest of their lives. A test could be life-threatening and it could lead to many horrible consequences or side