Arguments Against Animal Testing

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“90 percent of primates in laboratories exhibit extreme abnormal behaviors that are caused by the cruel physical abuse, psychological stress, social isolation” [, 2015]. Humans have tested on animals before but this does not make it right nor moral. Millions off animals across the world are subjected to cruel and inhumane test against their will. There have been far too many animal testing violations over the years. This is why we should not have the right to test on helpless animals nor should we be allowed to mentally `and physically abuse them for our personal gain. Animals should not be subjected to such abuse and violence with no protection from cruelty. Animal testing is wrong in many ways it should not be used to test drugs …show more content…

Animal testing is the cruelest and most inhuman way for us test drugs. Every day thousands of animals are abuse and tortured to no end. “Monkeys who were confined to small steel cages showed signs of psychological disturbance, such as frantic pacing, spinning, and rocking” (, 2015), animals feel pain just like us and we should not be allowed to inflict unbearable pain upon them, Animal are mentally and fiscally abused every day. “Animals are subjected to experiments that can include everything from testing new drugs to infecting with diseases, poisoning for toxicity testing, burning skin… and other painful and invasive procedures” ( 2015). The everyday life off animals in labs is filled with pain and suffering from unbearable protocol and tests. Many animals are deliberately infected with diseases that come with unbearable pain. We should not be able to torture and kill so many animals with no benefit there are no excuses for the torture and mistreatment off these animals. The Science community should stop and ask is it moral to drive a living thing insane and cause great suffering and …show more content…

millions of animal fall victim to the animal testing and torture . Some will also argue that it advances medical cures but if that is so why do 94 percent out off the Million off animal test do not have an effect on medical results ( Animal testing as little tow effect on research her for drugs because they do not give reliable results . Also some say that Animal research is regulated but if that is so the laws in place are flawed and many animals are still abused in labs with no punishment for the lab. The laws that are in place are flawed letting many case of animal abuse appear in labs. The animal welfare act lets so many animal violations go with no