Persuasive Essay Against Animal Testing

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George Bernard Shaw once said “Atrocities are not less atrocities when they occur in laboratories and are called medical research.” (ADD COMMENTARY) Animal research is mostly used to find a cure or make a product for humans. For the research animals--like rabbits, dogs, rats, and even chimpanzees--are put through a series of often painful and harmful tests to make sure the products are safe for humans. Scientist have found apes and chimpanzees closest to the human physiological features and are using them more and more; yet, these animals are not human. As a result, there are times that the test results are not even transferable, making the torture of those animals pointless. Animals should not be used in product or medical research because it is cruel, it is a waste of money, and there are other testing methods.
To begin, animals should not be used in product or medical research because it is cruel
For many tests or experiments with chemicals, animals are always alive and fully conscious—are never given pain relief “They're scalded by chemicals on their skin and eyes, shoved into tubes no larger than their bodies and forced to breathe …show more content…

As previously mentioned, there are plenty of alternatives to animal testing. Scientists and researchers should use those alternatives and let the animals live. Many research groups and universities are conducting experiments that are harmful and are not improving the lives of humans too. Some of the experiments conducted are seriously harming and killing the animals. For example, colleges are conducting research on dogs that does not lead to therapies that benefit human patients. Another example, would be that researchers are getting rats addicted to cocaine at universities around the country. Ohio State University is also conducting unnecessary heart tests on dogs, and these test are killing the

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