Pros And Cons Of Animal Clinical Testing

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Animal Clinical Trials Over 100 million animals are burned, crippled, poisoned, and abused in U.S. labs every year (¨11 Facts About Animal Testing¨);this is a scary statistic considering how far scientific research has advanced throughout the past few years. The ways in which professionals go about testing new cosmetic and medical products have proven to be unethical and immoral, yet these individuals continue with their methods, remaining ignorant to the crimes done to animals who are entitled just as much as humans to live freely on earth. It is necessary for scientists and medical professionals to develop new cutting edge vaccinations, medical treatments, and more sophisticated cosmetics, however the ways in which these have been achieved …show more content…

In their short and depressing lifespan, clinical trial animals are either killed after use or injured, causing them to live the remainder of their lives in captivity (¨Using Animal Testing¨). It's ethically wrong that a living creature can be denied the right of freedom and be confined to live out its days being abused by scientists in human clinical trials. People agree that animals have some form of moral status and deserve some of the basic rights humans possess. They may not have typical rights such as the right to vote or hold office, but they do hold basic rights just as much as humans do (¨Ethics of Animal Experimentation¨). Animals should never, under any circumstances, serve as test subjects for human clinical trials. Animals should never have to experience pain or discomfort inflicted upon them for humans’ scientific and cosmetic research, or be denied the right of freedom by being kept in captivity against their …show more content…

In the past five years it has been scientifically proven that lab grown cells and organism have proved to be far more effective at securing the safety of cosmetic and medical products for human use. This is due to the fact that the cells made in the laboratory are direct genetic replications of the cells of humans. Furthermore, when tests are initiated on these cells they create an almost perfect simulation of how the human body will respond to the clinical trials. The precision rate for the use of lab grown cells and organisms is 86% compared to the testing of animals which is at 61% (¨Alternative to Animals in Science¨). Not only is this more effective at simulating the human response, it's far cheaper and the cells are also easy for the laboratory to create in mass quantities. This allows the laboratories to test over a thousand chemicals at once according to NIH director Elias Zerhouni (¨Alternative to Animals in science¨) . Moreover, cruelty free medications and products are far better for the environment than those that have used animal testing. The reason they are better for the environment is ultimately that the government doesn't have to dispose of millions of diseased animals as pathogenic and hazardous waste. The use of alternatives, such as the lab grown cells and organisms, is far less harmful due to the sheer amount of

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