Animal Testing Persuasive Essay

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The people in the labs don’t care if the dogs die because they have more dogs that they can test on. Animal testing is bad because it can kill animals. It kills animals because these tests they are doing are getting them skinner and skinner every ady and thats how they are dying. The people in the labs don’t care if the dogs dies because they have more dogs that they can test on. So if a dog dies the people in the labs can throw that dog away and grab a new dog and start the same test that the dog that just died had. Some dogs are killed because of these they are doing to dogs. They test animals with products like types of food so it's safe for humans to eat. Some animals share the same DNA as humans, like a mouse model shares 94% DNA. The lab people …show more content…

Everyone should care because dogs are dying every day. People are trying to help animals testing because labs are killing animals on products. Vets are giving dogs treatments that they need because of animal testing. . Over 100 million animals are burned, crippled, poisoned, and abused in us labs every year. I believe that animal testing is bring down the population. I believe that animal testing should be stopped. I also belive that testing animals is scary because people probably have about this almost every day. this is for the picture. Israel banned because of their products on the animals they are sending. India has banned cosmetics animal testing and its the first in South Asia to ban animal testing. Animal testing is used to assess safety and drugs to figure out how the human body works and fucti0n. Animal testing is ussally in laboratory. Over a million animals are poisend and killed each year. They test things like shampoo and conditioner, cleaners, and houshold items. Over a million killed just to send them to school. Animal testing is not done without causing pain to the

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