Stop Animal Testing Persuasive Essay

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One of the first things that women do is put on makeup in the morning be work or school. But what they don't realize is that by making themselves look beautiful they are actually hurting innocent animals in the process. Although people don't think about animal testing, I believe It is something that has to be stopped. The reasons to stop testing on animals is it unnecessary, experiments that they inflict on the animals and lastly it is inhuman.

Firstly, The biggest thing for me is why we are still testing on animals in America. There is no law that I know of that says that we must test our products on animals. There are some counties that say that you must test on animals before they sell the product. But in America, there is no reason to test on poor innocent creatures. There are countries that prohibit any testing on animals in their country. I hope in the near future that we become one of those counties that prohibit on animals. …show more content…

Many people condone animal testing because animals are being sacrificed to make products safer for human beings. I get people that think this way. But would you personally want to be stuck in a cage that was probably was too small for you and probably has not been cleaned in a while? Would you want look at your neighbor who probably in the same condition as you or worse? People who do these experiment do the most unethical things to these animal. But half the population think it's ok because of it just animal. Well, some of the animals that are being tested on are not just mice and rabbits like everyone thinks. Some of the animals are actual animal that comes from animal shelters. Would you want your dog or cat experiment on for your own health? As a pet owner of two dogs, I think of them as a part of my family and would not want that for them or any other