Animal Testing Argumentative Essay

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Animal Testing is perhaps one of the most controversial topics in our generations. In simple words, animal testing is a way of experimentation that uses non-human animals in many varying outcomes related to beauty and medicine. In my eyes, the younger generation holds more interest in debating this topic and all of its divisions. Many have their assumptions for this topic since it is so controversial. With the topic of animal testing, it is easy to assume that your opinion is the only right opinion.
In my eyes, I also hold my assumption to be true, though in this case, my assumptions have formed because of what I see and hear in the media and how that resonates with me. My opinion is certainly biased from my own personal thoughts on the subject and from what I hear from the media. I can be biased in many other ways including the way I have grown up and all of the environmental factors in my life have shaped on belief on this topic. I have always thought that all animals should have the same opportunity for a decent …show more content…

Over the years people who hold strong beliefs against animal cruelty have started taking stands against it. These include not using animal products, as consumption or in any types of products. Veganism is certainly of most recent movements, even if not researched about many people know what it is. This can be just from real life experiences or the media. Though this also creates a stigma around such movements, usually in a bad light. Arguments held for the continuous use of animal testing are just as compelling. Usually, these assumptions come from the people from researchers in the line of animal testing, individuals involved with medicine, cosmetic companies and people who just don’t have enough information. Though the lack of information or the abundance of information clouding the judgment is applied to both the supporters and people who oppose