Animal Testing On Bunnies Essay

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Animal testing on bunnies has negative effects on the animals. They are often subjected to harsh chemicals and substances, which can cause them pain and discomfort. This can lead to serious health problems, including skin irritation, blindness, and even death. Additionally, the results of animal testing on bunnies are often unreliable and do not accurately predict how these substances will affect humans. The experiences that bunnies have while in testing facilities, their daily routines, and the long-term impacts of testing will all be covered in this essay.
Their Experiences
Animal testing on bunnies is also a controversial issue because many people believe that it is unethical to use animals this way. “In addition to the suffering caused …show more content…

They may be subjected to a variety of tests, including exposure to harsh chemicals and substances, which can cause them pain and discomfort. “Terrified rabbits, guinea pigs, mice, and rats have substances forced down their throats, dripped into their eyes or smeared onto their skin before they are killed.” - (The Humane Society of the United States. “Ending Cosmetics Animal Testing.” The Humane Society of the United States, 2022, They may also be injected with different drugs or substances, which can cause them to become sick or experience other negative side effects. Throughout the day, they may be monitored by researchers who are looking for signs of distress or other health problems. At the end of the day, they are often returned to their cage, where they are left alone until the next round of testing begins. This can be a stressful and uncomfortable experience for the bunnies and can have serious long-term effects on their physical and emotional …show more content…

The tests that they undergo can include skin irritation tests, eye irritation tests, and lethal dose tests. “Despite the availability of modern, human-relevant non-animal test methods, live rabbits are still used in the notorious Draize eye irritancy test in which chemicals are applied to their eyes, often causing significant pain, swelling, hemorrhaging, cloudy vision, or blindness.” (PETA. “Rabbits in Laboratories | PETA.” PETA, 2019, Accessed 26 May 2023.) In eye irritation tests, chemicals are dripped into the eyes of the bunny to see if it causes irritation or damage. In lethal doses tests, the bunny is given a substance until it dies, to determine the lethal dose for humans. These tests can cause serious harm to the bunnies. In skin irritation tests, the chemicals can cause painful rashes, burns, or blisters. In eye irritation tests, the chemicals can cause redness, swelling, or even blindness. In lethal dose tests, the bunny can suffer from seizures, convulsions, or other painful symptoms before dying. Furthermore, the effects of animal testing on bunnies can be long-lasting. Even if the bunny survives the testing, it can suffer from permanent damage, both physical and psychological. For example, the bunny may have scarring, blindness, or other physical disabilities. It may also suffer from anxiety,

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