Animal Testing Persuasive Speech Essay

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Little white bunnies caged up with chains around their necks, sitting there as the minutes tick by, hopelessly waiting until it's their turn. The Needles injected into their muscles, chemicals squirted into their eyes, and products rubbed into their burning skin. Sadly animals worldwide have to endure pain and suffering every day. With this occurring so regularly, more and more brands are animal testing. Millions of Australians are affected, unknowingly purchasing these products. Good morning, Miss Ridley and 10c, My name is Georgina Walsh. I am here to inform you that Australian customers are inadvertently purchasing cosmetics that have been tested on animals. We, as Australians, can not keep letting this slide we must insist the government …show more content…

Still, most of the products Aussies use daily have been experimented with overseas. We presume these products are safe and non-animal tested because our government claims all cosmetics to be cruelty-free. However, according to a survey by cruelty-free kitty, among the 50 largest cosmetic brands in the world, 88% of them are not cruelty-free. Loreal is the highest contributor even more, according to the Australian government's animal welfare laws. It states that animals have fundamental rights to be treated with respect and freedom from torture, so why are we having this problem if it's illegal in the first …show more content…

Because of this, each animal suffers immense pain and stress as they are exposed to drugs, chemicals, or corrosive products that cause illness, pain, and distress just to be murdered minutes later. Hundreds of animals are tested daily. Therefore the rate at which animal testing occurs is outrageous. Spoken best by Irish play writer George Bernard Shaw, “Vivisection is a social evil because if it advances human knowledge, it does so at the expense of human character”. Do we really value a fair go in Australia? our values and morals define and shape our country, and this is not acceptable. Would you like for your beloved pet to have chemicals rubbed into their skin only to produce the products you use daily? Would you still purchase these