Persuasive Essay On Animal Testing

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“More than 100 million animals suffer and die in the U.S. every year in cruel chemical, drug, food, and cosmetics tests as well as in medical training exercises and curiosity-driven medical experiments at universities.” according to PETA (2017). This is such a horrible numbers of animals suffering and deaths due to animal testing.Animal testing is an experiment that accomplished on animals.People keep using animal for cosmetic,medical and scientific test,which harm animals seriously.Give an example,forcing mice and rats to inhale toxic fumes, force-feeding dogs pesticides, and dripping corrosive chemicals into rabbits’ sensitive eyes (PETA, 2017). It provokes great controversy among the animal welfare groups and people who care about animal …show more content…

Having less intelligent than human doesn’t mean animals lose the rights to control their life. Also,it is not a reason that humans can torment animals and end up animals life.Just as humans do not use humans who are incapable of consenting to experimentation on testing,humans should not test on non-human animals (Doris Lin, 2017). In human cognition,we are responsible to protect weaker,more vulnerable humans (Peter Tatchell, 2017). Why don’t humans apply this thought to the animals?Apparently,what they have done to animals contradict their thoughts.Using animals on testing is like abusing animals and the abused animals are weaker than humans.It is no doubt that respect other creatures’ rights is a basic concept of humans.Every creature with a will to live has a intrinsic choice to live free from pain and suffering (PETA, 2017), and that is what rights animals have.Since animal testing deprives animal rights,the government should ban it