
Arguments Against Cosmetics Animal Testing

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Imagine that unknown peoples' come to your house and take your family and you to a laboratory where they test products without your consent and use dangerous products in your skin that can cause different dangerous reactions. Imagine that unknown people cause your death, and you just can not say anything about it because people do not care if you are suffering or if you are a human being; This is what Companies made for animals to test their products. People make animal suffering and they do not care about the pain that the animal's feels, just because animals cannot speak up or cannot refuse to be part of the experiment. I can speak up for them and I refused to live in a world where is more important look prettier, than save, and protect, an animal, an human being. To avoid the idea of continuing making animals …show more content…

In the industry exist different ways to test products and are free-cruelty This means that the products are not tested in animals. The article "About Cosmetics Animal Testing" by Humane Society International mentions what is animal testing and the reasons of why a lot of companies still testing products in animals when it is not required, and when exists different methods to test products without animals. "If companies simply stuck to using the many thousands of existing cosmetic ingredients available, they would never have to animal test." Companies, laboratories, pharmacies, and a lot of more organizations already have thousands of ingredients that already are acceptable in the commerce, that can be used in products. Sometimes people are more interested in selling products, look pretty, fresh and healthy than in the sugaring of innocent animals that is why they continue testing in animals to create "new" and "better" products for the well-being of people; but they do not see the real problem of their products, and is not causing damage to people health, is causing a damage in peoples'

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