Annotated Bibliography: Improving Workplace Stress

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Annotated Bibliography
THESIS STATEMENT: To improve work place stress and help provide meditation rooms or add guidance counselors to help with stress during work hours because stress can bring harm to a person’s physical mind and body.
Spiers, C. (2011, May 25th). Stress-myths and misconceptions. Executive Secretary Magazine.
Retrieved from: Carole Spiers who works for the Executive Secretary magazine did an article back in May of 2011 on myths and misconceptions of stress in the work place. During that year she wrote a series of articles on managing stress and detailing some of the coping strategies to help manage it. She came up with a myth where she mentioned there’s no …show more content…

(2014, April 18). Survey: 42% of Employees Have Changed Jobs Due to Stress. Forbes. Retrieved from
Dill’s Forbes column is also creditable and will help my final project because Forbes success rate on articles are amazing and they have reliable sources which will also be helpful to me. This article brings some good information from a new survey that was conducted by employment search site that nearly 7, 000 U.S. workers found that while a less –than surprising 35% had contemplated leaving a job to flee a stressful work environment, a more significant number 42% had “purposely” left a position because of such a workplace (Dill, 2015). This article shows based on a known job search website many people are leaving jobs because of stress. This data is helpful and show’s an amazing percent of people left because of …show more content…

His articles on meditative workplace space is used to help those dealing with stress in a work-related environment. Scott’s article mentions that meditation in the workplace can lower a company’s health-care cost by reducing chronic stress, a major risk factor for illness, said Maryanna Klatt, lead author of a 2009 study at Ohio State University on mindful ness-based stress reduction. It’s mentioned that by setting some time every day for mediation, a company can improve employee morale, mental focus and sense of well-being. This can also reduce a number of sick days and work place injuries (Thompson, n.d). I believe the article provides very helpful information for my

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