Apa Code Of Ethics Essay

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The general definition of ethics refers to moral principles or values that generally govern the conduct of an individual or group. The American Psychological Association's (APA) Ethical Principles of Psychologists (aspirational guidelines) and Code of Conduct (enforceable rules) are the obligatory rules and principles that must be followed to ensure the safety of humans and preserve the integrity within the field of Psychology. As psychologist we are morally obligated to respect the rights and dignity of every research participants no matter their age, gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, language, or socioeconomic status (APA). The principal and codes outline the obligations …show more content…

Following the APA Code of Conduct when generating my research question will ensure the standards of ethics are in line. Before formulating a question to be answered, I must have the proper training relevant to the research I intend to conduct so that I limit the risk of harm to the volunteers. I would also ensure my research question is formulated to guarantee that I protect all volunteers from intrusion on privacy by protecting all personal information related to the volunteer and ensure the volunteers give inform consent to participant in the study that will outline any potential risks associated with my research as well as give them the opportunity to ask questions. I would also have to obtain Institutional Approval; Code 8.01 states that “when institutional approval is required, psychologists provide accurate information about their research proposals and obtain approval prior to conducting the research. They conduct the research in accordance with the approved research protocol (APA)”. Code 8.01 would also ensure that the rights of human subjects involved in my research are