Apple 2008 Recession

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Changes in the economy can affect businesses like Apple, Let’s take a look at the U.S recession that took place in 2008. During this period unemployment was rising and according to the Department of Labour, roughly 8.7 million jobs were lost and the GDP was reduced by 5.1% making it a negative environment to be in especially for Apple Inc. To add, being in a recession like this also has effect on the consumers purchasing Apple products because in result they would have less disposable income to contribute towards Apple’s sales and revenue. (Murse, n.d.)

My research indicates that the Great US recession started early 2008 till June 2009, during this period unemployment continued to prevail as more people became redundant from their jobs. Even though Apple was affected by this, they embraced it by accumulating more than half of their sales over-seas. To support this, the financial results for Apple’s fiscal 2009 first quarter and the company posted recorded revenue of $10.17 billion and a net quarterly profit of $1.61 billion. (Apple, n.d.) …show more content…

This data shows that Apple were still able to strive during the recession period. Additionally, international sales accounted for 46% of the quarter’s revenue meaning that the use of over-seas markets helped Apple succeed. Ultimately, Apple could not control this political factor and they had to also expand their product manufacturing to different companies outside America in places like Ireland, Korea and