Are School Uniforms Positive Or Negative Aspect For Public Schools?

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School Uniform Debate Are school uniforms a positive or a negative aspect for public schools? This paper is going to

discuss in depth the School Uniform Debate from both sides of the parties, the opposing site and the

side standing for it. It will also include further details from each side of the argument along with

professional perspectives as what side should actually be taken into action realistically. By the end of

this paper my hopes are that there will be a medium within this debate regarding what fairness would

be. School uniforms have been around for decades with President Bill Clinton actually being one of

the top advocates but, not to common as far as the public schools goes until just recently it has been a

debate …show more content…


onto discussing the vital reasons behind why school uniforms would indeed be an asset to the school.

First off, as kids grow and mature they begin to evolve and gain their own individual identities. With

this being said society takes hold and things such as designer brands begin to be an important factor as

far as peers all fitting in with one another. A huge downfall to this stage for school aged children is that

many students who are not able to afford these name brand clothes or shoes are then bullied and

teased. Uniforms would indeed be a way to help minimize the outbreak of socioeconomic statuses

between the students by simply removing the option of being able to wear whatever you'd like to

school. This also benefits the school board and counselors whom are all involved with coming up with

dress code issues and the consequences and so forth.

School uniforms can also take a load off parents especially those whom have more than one child and

still have to get all the kids and their self to work and school on time. Uniforms help relieve …show more content…

Many parents also feel that it is a financial hardship for them to have to pay an additional

expense for public schooling not to mention paying their taxes to enforce free public education. Some

families are also not as financially fortunate and purchasing uniforms for one and in some cases four or

five children gets expensive where some parents would be able to save a dollar. While some people are

also stating that it is a simple band-aid in regards to the issue of school violence as well as makes them

a target to be bullied from other school which are uniform free."The board voted and all I got was

this lousy uniform," and "I miss my real clothes." Some of them, like 8th grader Kista Vinson and

her brother, 9th grader Cory Vinson, have been suspended. The ACLU is looking into the question of

whether or not their suspensions violate the Tinker decision” (ASLU, 2002).

Making school uniforms mandatory has become an unfair act for students and in many cases their

parents as well. In conclusion to this act there has been many movements formed in the favor of anti-

school uniforms throughout many school districts nationwide. In result school boards and officials