Argument Against Abortion

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Abortion, a national debate, has created an ongoing controversy and is an issue that will never reach an agreement. Despite the many different sides on the topic, it is really something that should not be questioned. No government or group of people should feel that they have the right to dictate a persons life. Abortion should be legal because it is an important part of individual freedom, and the lack of choice could lead to serious emotional problems for the mother, health problems for the child, and a poor environment for it to grow up in. In America, the founding principles are based on freedom, and deciding whether to maintain or terminate a pregnancy is the most basic of all women rights. As Americans, we are all born with certain unalienable rights. These include the right of privacy and free choice. Making abortion illegal is an immense violation of these rights, and in turn, a violation of our status as Americans. Abortion is one of the most personal and private decisions a woman can make, and this is an area that the government should not be able to control. “Women are not an interest group. They are mothers, and daughters, and sisters, and wives. They are half of this country and they are perfectly capable of …show more content…

Their beliefs would put the life and future of women into the hands of the government. A common argument is that “fetuses are people with a right to life, and abortion is immoral because it deprives them of this right” (Should Abortion Be Legal). The first problem with this argument is that it is not scientifically proven whether or not a fetus is a person (Should Abortion Be Legal). If it cannot be proven as a person, then it most certainly can not be proven that it has a right to life. Pro-lifers may say that when a woman goes to get an abortion the fetus is given no choice. Nonetheless, what they are really saying is that the choice should be taken away from the