Argument Essay: An Illinois Public Library

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Libraries are in every town ranging from small towns to big cities. We have memories of going to the library as a young child and playing around the big bookcases. Libraries are a place to gain knowledge and a quiet place to do the work. Recently, young children spend more time looking at an electronic device than a book. Libraries are filled with paper books which the children are ignoring and going straight to the computers to play games with their friends. The world is updating and renovating all the time and the usage of technology increasing it seems as if a building filled with books will be useless. But libraries will be an essential part of the future generations. Libraries are a great place to conduct meetings within the community …show more content…

An Illinois public library calendar in the first half of June (source B). In the month of June in the majority of schools around the United States, school is out of session and is the start of summer break. The calendar indicates that a library is home to more than just books. This library has activities for everybody to take advantage of like “Writer’s Group for Adults” and they have groups for teaching children to read with books such as “Babies & Books” and “Books Before Kindergarten!” (Source B). Teaching the youth to read will make them be one step ahead in school and become for successful. Without libraries there would be no assistance to help parents teach their children to properly read and write. Adults that teach children to read prefer to use physical books and not eBooks (Source D). Libraries have collections …show more content…

Pew Research Center ran a study to see which group of individuals are less likely to use eBooks, they said that “People less likely to use e-books include Hispanics, those with a high school diploma, the unemployed, rural Americans, and those with household incomes less than $30,000”(Source C). they may not have the money to afford eBooks and the only way to access the internet is the library. The study went on to say that library computer users 14 and older that, 22 percent of these individuals go on saying that the library is their only way to access the internet. With the older generations leaving and the new coming in, libraries are just as important as they are now. The importance of a learning environment is needed due to “bring people with mutual interests together to exchange information and learn about and solve problems of common concern” (Source A). Libraries are a safe place to meet or study with others with projects. The concept of a public library is to be a place full of books for the community to use, whether it be for homework, research, or for the personal enjoyment. Technology is in the libraries because they are “definitely in the middle of all this [digital] action” (Source C). Technology in the libraries are important for the individuals that do not have access at their house. They can have the same advantage as the other

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