Argumentative Essay On Assisted Suicide

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Assisted Suicide “It’s just a nightmare to enjoy” “I have made my decision. I cannot take this pain anymore. It is my time. I want to die. Will you help me?” Many people across America wish to be dead rather than suffer the side effects of a disease or injury. This may obfuscate some people, but others find this really useful. This is called Assisted Suicide, and doctors are doing it in about 7 states right now. If someone had asked you this question, with you being a doctor, what would you have done? Assisted Suicide has been around ever since Oregon decided they would pass a law to legalize it, the first law ever to be passed in the U.S stating someone could commit suicide to end their suffering with medical assistance. It was a very close discussion as well, only 51% of votes wanted to legalize it, so the other 49% disapproved it. It still passed, and Oregon never had only some thought to get rid of it. There are seven states who have passed either a Euthanasia law or an Assisted Suicide law(New Jersey just legalized it). Why they legalized it all have to do with one thing: ending a patients suffering. They think people should have the choice to commit suicide when their suffering is never ending and if they have an incurable disease. Since these …show more content…

None of which are 100 percent going to work the first time. Another pro is about the doctors and nurses tending with the patient. Instead of working with a patient that hasn't a way of being cured or revived, they could request assisted suicide and go on to another patient that actually has a chance of being cured or revived. One last pro is that the patient will die knowing that it was their choice, that it wasn’t by withering away, or something horrible to overcome them, they know that they died by their own hands, not a virus, disease, or other