
Argumentative Essay On Gmo Foods

504 Words3 Pages

Berihanu Aenamo
ENGL 0998 Assignment
Argumentative Essay
Date 07/09/2017 Proof Reading

Labeling GMO Foods
Sticking label on GMO food is currently controversial issue. It has been debating since biotechnology started to enhance food production. Consumers and health organizations are pushing producers to label and identify its food from other products. On the other hand, producers and manufacturers are raising cost and marketing issues. Journalist, scientists and other parts are also debating in this issue. Based on this, scientists are presenting various research out puts to narrow such debating analog. Thus, when we look each detailed research out puts, it seems to be GMO the same as other food items. It looks even more advantageous than other food products. Let’s look, How GMO produced and processed? What are its importance and side effects? …show more content…

It can be created by transferring gen (DNA) from one plant (organism) to another to improve the host’s (receiver organism) genetic effect. It can also be performed by changing the genetic character of an organism to alter its production effect (2). During this technology, the new nature will be created which hasn’t be seen on that organism. Generally, it is important to increase production with reducing production cost. It also reduces production cost through various methods. Out of which, creating disease resistance, tolerance for adverse climatic effect, and making nutritional food are commonly known methods. To emphasizing this, Hicks stated that “88% of scientists and 37% of public are agreed that GMO is safe to eat” (67). It shows GMO food and its products have the same effect as that of

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