
Argumentative Essay On Gun Crime

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In the last couple of years, the United States of America has seen a huge increase in gun violence and an increase in trying to figure out what to do about it. In several speeches at
Washington D.C. politicians spoke about the tragic accident of Sandy Hook Elementary. The politicians that spoke there all believed that no matter what the gun laws were, the violent act against innocent children and teachers would not have been prevented. There has been numerous studies and that have proven that stricter gun laws actually leads to an increase of crime, and in some instances that rate nearly triples itself. Not all politicians believed what everybody was saying, but they all had a common goal. Which is to help protect the United States from
criminals. …show more content…

He believes that the stores who sell weapons should increase the background checks. Leahy (2013) in his speech at Congress goes on to say, “I know gun store owners in Vermont. They follow the law and conduct background checks to block the conveyance of guns to those who should not have them” (p. 20). Leahy wants to stop the loopholes in our system that allows the criminals to get the weapons. He believes that if the nation was to increase background checks, that it would bring the rate of gun violence down because store owners would be keeping the guns out of the hands that are unfit to have them in the first place. Patrick Leahy believes in the constitutional rights for all Americans and promises the the Second Amendment is not going to be changed.
The writer of the analysis does agree with Patrick Leahy and what he is trying to do for this country. The writer does think if we were to increase the background checks that the violence would go down because we can keep the guns out of the hands of the wrong people. If we were to increase the background checks. The writer does believe that the responsible …show more content…

The gun violence in this country is starting to get out of hand, and if we do not do something about this issue the problem will only continue to grow. There are so many issues that are involved with this major issue that is surrounding this country. There are children all over the
United States that have no clue what a gun is, so they would have no idea what to do if they ever saw a gun just laying around. There are many programs and companies out there that are out there trying to combat this major problem about gun violence and the crime rate. The National
Rifle Association for example has many programs and safety courses to help alert the children or even the uneducated people about the safety of guns, and what they should do if they were to see a gun. Many politicians are also trying to help combat this problem. Senators from all over the country are trying to fix the gun violence, while they try not to restrict the constitutional rights of all Americans. We need to keep guns out of the hands of the criminals and the mentally ill, and the best way to help try to prevent this would be increase the background

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