Gun Violence Persuasive Speech

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Imagine enjoying a concert with your friends. Dancing, having fun, the thought that something bad would happen never even crossed your mind. Then BANG. Twenty minutes later, over 50 people are dead, over 500 are injured, and you’ve just witnessed America’s new deadliest mass shooting. This is the reality for the victims of the Las Vegas massacre, and it was all made possible by one barbaric object: a gun. Gun violence in America is steadily increasing, and the lack of gun control and our inability to do something is to blame. We need strict gun control nationwide, with thorough background checks, required safety classes, major gun buybacks, and firm regulations on guns. Restrictions on semi-automatic and automatic weapons, as well as more precautions as to who has access to these weapons are needed. Otherwise, the death toll will continue to increase each year, and it will be too late to stop the madness that could’ve been fixed years ago. Gun violence …show more content…

First, it wouldn’t be called an amendment if it couldn’t be changed. There was an amendment about prohibition and we got rid of that. Second, when the amendment was written, guns were muskets with the capacity of one round and could possibly shoot three rounds per minute. Today’s modern AR-15, the weapon used in most recent mass shootings, has the magazine capacity of thirty rounds and is able to shoot forty-five rounds per minute. I’m not saying we have to get rid of all guns. You can keep your right to bear arms as long as it pertains to hunting rifles and possibly regulated handguns. But average civilians should not be able to access semi-automatic or automatic weapons, whose only purpose and intent is to kill, and exactly what these weapons are doing. The times and technology since this amendment was written have changed drastically, and we need to adapt it to fit modern times if it’s current status is allowing thousands to die each

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