Gun Control Persuasive Speech

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Imagine this, you come home after school and go to the kitchen to get a snack like you usually do. All of a sudden, you hear a massive bang coming from the building across the street. You’re curious at first, but then you just don’t think about it and go on with your day. A few minutes later, while you are eating your snack, you start to hear sirens, but you still think nothing of it. That night your dad comes home after work and informs you that someone had brought a gun to the business across the street. That could’ve been someone coming into your parent’s work or even your school. What if I told you that it could’ve all been avoided if there were restrictions or limitations on firearms? In the United States, there are over 10,000 homicides committed with firearms (National Institute of Justice). The Second Amendment states that “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of …show more content…

In 2011 the FBI collected data showing that firearms were used in 68% murders, 41% robberies, and 21% aggravated assaults (National Institute of Justice). If we had more or better restrictions on guns then the percentage of murders, robberies, and assaults would be lower. There are over 10,000 homicides committed with firearms (National Institute of Justice). People use guns for bad/evil so there should be restrictions. Studies have shown that most U.S. homicides are committed with handguns (National Institute of Justice). But there would be less homicides if there were restrictions on handguns. According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, 467,321 people were victims of crimes involving guns in 2011 (National Institute of Justice). Every year there’s more crimes involving guns, and if there were more restrictions on guns, the numbers would decrease. People use guns in unpleasant ways which increases violent crimes, so there should be