Gun Control Persuasive Speech

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Several people have guns in their homes and your parents have them for hunting, and emergency only when a robber tries to come in your house, people like to go hunting when the seasons comes. Yeah I know that you might think it’s boring, but when you get a deer or buck it’s fun and exciting at the same time. There were 464,033 total guns death between 1999 and 2013: 270,727 suides 158,240 total of deaths, 174,773 homicides and guns were the leading cause of death by homicides. I believe we should have more restrictive laws on guns. Because people are getting killed by other people, we should not let the people that had mental issues, also people are using guns for crimes. Once again, should help people preventing anymore people getting hurt …show more content…

Any guns violence cost each person in the United States roughly $ 564 and the U.S. Gov. $5.5 billion in lost tax revenue. About 200 american go to the emergency room everyday with gun wounds, children under age of 25 were nine times more likely to die of guns accidents and children in other advanced wealthy countries. Now, we should act on restricted more gun laws.
The next step, is to stricted guns from the people that uses them in the wrong way. Several united states cities have saved guns manufacturers to reserve the police and health care costs. None of the 62 mass shootings between 1982 and 2012 was stopped by an armed civilians. Finally, we can talk about the safety of guns health concerns. (More gun control laws would reduce gun deaths.)
Last, this will help every person did get wounded or didn’t get hurt and they will feel safe. Any people with mental issues they shouldn’t have any guns in their homes or anywhere they can get them. Every person that have guns in their homes should put them in safe that any children get a hold of them and killing themselves or anybody that get killed by a guns. People should use them for hunting and emergency only and not killing people. For now, everything with guns are finally done and the people are very glad about anymore people are getting killed and hurt as