Argumentative Essay On Hooke Technology

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Title Phones, Ipads, laptops, also known as technology, has become the center of the universe. People are falling head over heels to get the newest release of different technological devices. The technology is becoming a black hole pulling every human possible into its’ trap. Parents, teenagers, and kids all have their noses stuck up in these devices. Without them, humans don’t know what to do. People are spending most of their time doing things that don’t matter to them, being disconnected from the rest of society is what should matter. It is supposed to make humans have faith in themselves and others. 13% of People will pretend to do something on their phone to avoid interaction with someone else. Technology has advanced. People now have a possible over-reliance on their technology. The articles …show more content…

In “Hooked on Our Smartphones” Brody states, “Now Computers save tons of time and effort and avert countless embarrassing errors because I can look up facts, figures, spelling, definitions and scholarly publications without leaving my ergonomic chair” (Brody 2017). This argues that people don’t need to remember things anymore because they have the internet at hand. If a person doesn’t know how to spell something they can just type it in and autocorrect will fix it if it is spelled wrong. People are forgetting some things that shouldn’t be forgotten and the technology is causing this. Athima Chansanchair also states, “51 percent of cell owners used their phone to get the information they needed right away” (Chansanchai 2011).This defends the case of people not being able to remember things as well with technology having their back now. Half of the earth’s population uses their phones to get information not known. These people are forgetting the information that may be eroding memories. Every time an individual looks something up, that is a sign they have forgotten