Argumentative Essay On Pro Life

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The epidemic known as abortion is one of the most sensitive, talked about issues in America right now. Many Republicans and Democrats have been fighting over the correct way to go about this issue for years but in the end it is never properly resolved. The controversy surrounding abortion is whether a woman should be allowed to abort their unborn child without repercussions. I myself am pro life because I believe all unborn children deserve the chance at life regardless of the situation. While there are many thousands of women who are for abortion, there are many thousands who stand against it. Many pro choice activists are not afraid to stand up and protest when they feel their rights are being taken advantage of but the problem is the living …show more content…

A lot of factors come in to play in order for women to either go through with the procedure or opt out of the option. For example, “Planned parenthood estimates that in the United States a dedication abortion costs between $300 to $800.” (Obes Abortion) This seems very affordable for many women who may choose to have an abortion but could put only a select few at a disadvantage. The debate continues to be the hot topic among millennials and politicians that fight against abortion everyday. The numbers of abortions that have take place in the United States is an eye opening statistic. “Based on available state level data, an estimated 906,000 abortions took place in 2015.” (Our Bodies Ourselves) This statistic alone is a big reason I am against abortion. There needs to be immediate action taken on abortion or these numbers will continue to rise and innocent babies will continue to loose their lives. The United States has always struggled with the truth and the truth is if Republicans and Democrats continue to feud against each other nothing will move forward for our country. That is why abortion is so hard to for people to agree on, we watch what goes on in Washington and chaos spreads to the American people. Another problem adding to the situation is the labels of the people surrounding this issue have too much anger and hatred toward one another because of their beliefs. Their disagreements are only making matters even more difficult to deal

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