Argumentative Essay On Pro Life

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She is pregnant and does not know what to do. Does she keep the child or does she have an abortion. There is not as much time for her to decide. Worried of what others will think of her. Time is wasting she is slowly thinking of abortion. Abortion is not the only option and women shouldn’t take away a life because of a mistake. My paper is about being pro-life and what pro-life means, also helping pregnant woman who are lost and don’t know what to do. In order to understand pro-life, a person must have some background on the topic. “That baby is an unexpected gift that will make both women stronger” (Handacek33). If you’re pregnant get an abortion because your mother is not ready to be a grandmother. The male has a lot of influence on whether the woman in his life gets an abortion or not. “Woman who is terrified because she has just discovered that she is pregnant” …show more content…

Choice means making a decision without the government. Pro-choice has fallen out favor with America. Planned Parenthood wants to attempt doing it all together. ”Pro-choice still has authority among the faithful”. If one claims to be pro-life they are still chances others who are pro-choice that will change their minds. A woman shouldn’t be listening to others, however following your heart to do the correct decision. Pro-lifers gave woman an option of giving the child up for adoption instead of having an abortion. Pro-life activists were focusing almost exclusively on the unborn child not the mother. Pro-lifers believe they have moral high ground but woman in crisis will not turn to one if she perceives that present to be manipulative. “Choosing death or self” obviously the woman is having abortion because she does not want the baby. However now there is an option of adoption. Pro-lifers shouldn’t just be focused on the unborn child, but also the mother because she is the one who is

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