The Importance Of Schools To Prisons

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I always hear people compare schools to prisons, but I think a babysitting club is more accurate. Since most of our parents can’t watch us and aren’t able to homeschool us we are sent away to be babysat by men and women with degrees. While we are here bright and early for seven hours we must learn, sit, and only ask appropriate questions. Everyday for the next 9 months I repeat the same classes and see the same kids/teachers every single day. I’m made to be some mechanical robot going through life with no choice but to praise and listen to my creators every wish and command, to then go to work and do my homework while managing to eat, shower, and get 10-12 hours of sleep. The conformity is killing me slowly. The structure of the day schools …show more content…

I need to sleep and I need time to have real conversations with people who aren’t forced to see me 180 days of the year. Just going from one activity to the next everyday can make kids irritable and not give their best because they aren’t their best self and feel irritable in the same never ending cycle of classes. The school schedule is building robots not productive role model citizens. There are many other schools that have different schedules for different days allowing students to not be kept in a repetitive cycle. Although it seems better to be learning with the same group and teacher everyday to have more discipline and comfort to ask questions students may be less willing to focus due to the repetitiveness of the schedule and knowing they can simply catch up tomorrow as I have seen at my own school. Schools seem to not be about individual learning but about learning in a setting that has a similar group interest as source D states. This idea of pleasing the group rather than talking to each student about what they do outside of school to help them manage their school work and outside activities is why so many students are stressed and see school as such a “...dull and ugly place,...” that is less of a priority and more of a burden. (Source E) Schools should allow students to modify their schedules to fit …show more content…

It never changed and by the end of the year I would be begging for the bell to ring so I could go home and get started on all my other after school activities. If the school had offered me a different kind of schedule that allowed me to change the days i went to certain classes school would have been a lot easier to manage with work and sports. By the schools assuming every child has no other obligations beside school they aren’t allowing students to show their best work at school. Students become sleepy and irritable in class and a simple schedule change could fix that and help many students make the experience easier by allowing time management to be an important skill that is needed to be in college. The structure of the day schools enforce on students to keep them busy can make children feel stressed and unable to perform their best daily. Schools should make schedules more flexible and not so repetitive to fit the individual student 's