
Argumentative Essay On Year Round School

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Year round school should be an option for the families that need it. We shouldn't fully do away with traditional school and summer break.

The traditional school year gives students the traditional summer break, this summer break allows for students to hit the reset button and recharge. Schooling is always a good thing but schools are still institutions. Danny Westnet, the author of Source B states, “Their schools have been great. But there’s no getting around that schools are still institutions. Even the best can exact a certain toll on the soul.” Danny Westnet explains that even though school is a good thing, too much of it can negatively affect students. Year round school doesn't allow for this kind of break, that’s why we shouldn’t get …show more content…

Some families have financial problems and year round schooling can be beneficial for them compared to summer camps. Mathew Yglesias, author of Source D states, “Camp Winnebago is charging $11,500 for a full eight-week session. No doubt more affordable options are out there, but the basic reality is that parents' ability to provide enriching summer activities for their children is going to be sharply constrained by income.” and “RAND literature review concluded that the average student “loses” about one month’s worth of schooling during a typical summer vacation.” Yglesias writes about how summer camps over-priced their programs and how students lose about a month's worth of schooling. Year round schooling does help low income families and keep schooling fresh in students minds, but year round schooling shouldn’t replace traditional schooling. Source C shows Standardized Test scores in Southern California, comparing traditional schools to year round schools. The traditional schools students scored higher than their year round counterparts. This shows that even though traditional school students may “lose” a month’s worth of schooling they still get higher scores on

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