Argumentative Essay: Rob's Journey To Mars

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As soon as Rob and his crew stepped into the rocket for their infeasible journey to Mars, it finally settled in. This was a journey very few men would like to take. Even though nobody has taken it before or even attempted it. They spent years perfecting this rocket to master efficiency, safety, and the overall effectiveness. They researched then performed tests, then conducted more research and then performed more tests until they constructed the perfect rocket at the right price to make the astounding journey. The journey has its difficulties but eventually after a long flight, Rob makes the most important discovery to date, that there appeared to be life on Mars and they start to colonize the unimaginable. Radiation is very deadly to humans …show more content…

Radiation is high-energy particles that travel at very high speeds that if come in contact with human, disrupt and damage the molecular composition of our bodies. Radiation is even more dangerous in space because Earth’s natural shield is not protecting you anymore. For us to even contemplate traveling further into space, colonizing Mars, or simply conducting more space travel in general, we are going to have to find a way to deal with the radiation. To even start to find solutions to prevent radiation, we have to understand it. We have to know the basics about it, what a lethal dose is, and how we can prevent it. There have been experiments conducted and research collected to show us how these rays are harmful, what the effects are on our equipment, how much we can take before its lethal, among other critical information. This information is useful in finding alternatives to the aluminum shielding we currently use in space. Effective high hydrogen concentrated materials like polyethylene, Demron, and plastic have proven effective in blocking cosmic rays. We are making advancements in the long-term space travel industry everyday but it takes time to produce effective and safe ways to pursue something that we are fairly new at. Fortunately we have dedicated and passionate scientists that strive to make space travel more feasible