
Argumentative Essay: Was World War II Justified?

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World War II
World War II was a monumental event in history. This is because of the many things that led up to it. There is one question about the war that people still ask today. Was World War II justified? I believe that World War II was not justified because Britain and France were trying to be kind to Hitler, Japan shouldn’t have invaded Manchuria and China, and Germany shouldn’t have broken the Treaty Of Versailles.
Is Hitler forming an army? Does he want to start war? We have to do something. These were the thoughts that raced through the minds of Britain and France after World War I. The last thing that they wanted was to go to war again. They figured that if they were nice to Hitler and made him happy, he wouldn’t want to go to war. It seemed like a good plan at the time, but then it backfired very quickly. Instead, their actions made Hitler feel more powerful and it bought him more time to form his army. Hitler should have been nice to Britain and France in return instead of using his time to build an army and attack them. …show more content…

They wanted more resources for themselves. They decided that the best way to get them was to invade Manchuria and China, so that’s what they did. Of course, Manchuria and China were very upset about this. If they hadn’t been, this wouldn’t have been one of the causes of World War II. Japan thought that they made the right choice to invade them because the Japanese really wanted the resources, but I disagree. Japan shouldn’t have invaded Manchuria or China. Manchuria and China shouldn’t have to lose their land just because Japan wants

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