Arguments Against Animal Testing

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Over the last decades animal testing has become a routine process in the medical industry. The national anti-vivisection society states that animal testing is widely used than any method in laboratories. This testing is not only use in medicine industry but also cosmetic industry. It is such a cruel experiment that there are people who are against using animals as subjects in laboratories even though it had been a method which is used for many years. It is inhumane and not necessary since there are alternative methods that can be substitute for animal.
Throughout century animal had been use as a subject for testing substances in laboratory. It is undeniable that animal experiments are significantly beneficial to medical care. Animal is an important …show more content…

(Bree Rodrigues, 2014) Animals should not be treated severely and suffering for the sake of a human's advantage. Suffering is unpleasing, whether it be in animals or humans. Tibor R. Machan states that “discriminating animals just because they do not have the cognitive ability is no more justifiable than discriminating against human beings with severe mental impairments.”: (Tibor 2012,5) Many species are used in the experiment but the most common are rats, rabbits, hamsters, birds, cats, dogs, and in some countries monkey is include. Humane Society International states that animals used in laboratory are generally forced to eat, forced to breathe chemical fume and injected into the muscle or burned to study the healing process and physical restraint. After the experiment is completed, animals are killed mostly by neck-breaking, inhaling carbon dioxide, or decapitation. Another cruel experiment is ‘Draize eye’ test use in cosmetics experiment to evaluate irritation and side effects of their beauty products. Rabbits are subjects in this experiment which their eyes are held open for more than twenty-four hours so that they cannot blink away the substances being tested. Due to a cruel experiment, there are people who against animal testing, for example, PETA which stand for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. It is a non-profit American animal rights organization which has over three million members and supporters. It is also the largest animal rights group in the world. Its motto is "animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, use for entertainment or abuse in any way." Although most of medicines tested on animals are safe and effective to use on human, the unbearable process is way too savage to let it be used extensively. (,