
Assess The Role Of Strategic Planning In Education

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In developing stellar policy the Board can eliminate confusion and close the gap for interpretation and opposition. Although de facto policy is often rooted in school culture, a clearly written public policy can alleviate the need to justify exceptions (Kowalski, 2013). The purpose of a strategic plan as defined in the York Suburban Strategic Plan Policy reads, “The Board recognizes the importance of comprehensive planning in developing and guiding the District's goals, and the educational programs and operation of the schools. Participation by educational stakeholders is a critical element of such planning.” Further purpose (http://blog.envisio.com/7-reasons-schools-need-strategic-planning) is served in communicating and articulating the …show more content…

Certainly the Strategic Plan Policy is written with balance and honors the First and Fourteenth Amendments as they apply to students and public government workers. The implementation and actions required by schools according to School Code and local policy in strategic planning address a diverse population and demonstrate fairness across all students being served. Because we are a high achieving school district the current education system runs like a well oiled machine, hence TRUST among teachers, administrators, parents and students has been historically high. Communication is stellar. Teachers use reasonable judgement and are supported by administration.
Conversations of Strategic planning can not go without mention of specific populations. Special Education and Gifted Education are critical components of our strategic plan along with curriculum that maintains rigor but is manageable for our Students who have limited English language proficiency. Curriculum is an essential component of the strategic plan and teachers must use reasonable thinking to adapt content and instructional strategies to meet needs of all students. This is implemented throughout York Suburban School

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