What Does A Research Offer Us About What Is Effective Curricula?

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1. What does a research offer us about what is effective curricula? (Include both concepts from the text and your ideas about the concepts in the text?
Effective curricula are practices that produce a positive outcome in children. These are the principal practices:
-Effective curricula provide for all areas of a child’s development
-Effective curricula include content that is worth knowing and meaningful
-Effective curricula are culturally relevant
-Effective curricula have clearly stated outcomes
-Effective curricula are developed by teachers who believe in themselves and their practices.

2. List and describe the principles of planning. (include both concepts from the text and your ideas about the concepts in the text)
-Planning for accountability to standards means that you know and use your local, state, and national standards in your plans. In many schools or programs teachers are given guidelines, objectives and prepared curriculum to follow, once the teacher get to know their children she can plan a curriculum according to the children’s needs and would have more control over what to teach and what strategies to use on how to teach. …show more content…

Every child is unique and learns in different ways. Children bring their own experiences, skills and interest to the classroom. Only the teacher knowing the children background can plan accordingly to their needs.
-Planning for each child’s success. Teachers have the responsibility to enhance a child’s success in school. Teachers plan specific objectives in all domains, using knowledge of child development and a range of teaching strategies that will accommodate all types of learners.
-Planning based on research. Planning is critical to teaching and learning. Experienced teachers have more knowledge than a new teacher, using a wide range of strategies for solving problems. Experienced teachers also reflect on what worked and what did not worked in the