Athletic Event Management Personal Statement

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September 30th, 2000, the day I first walked into Beaver Stadium on the campus of Pennsylvania State University. I was hooked. Since that day, I have been enamored with collegiate athletics. During my senior year of high school, I realized actually playing collegiate sports was a dream I that wouldn’t be able to fulfill. Although an opportunity presented itself during my senior year of college, I was paid to work during athletic events. My mind was blown, I could actually get paid to work in college athletics. I believed that my only chance would be to be hired as a coach. My passion for college athletics and my undergraduate experience led me to pursue a career in Athletic Event Management. I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to …show more content…

Seth said, “Decide what level you want to work at, power 5, NAIA, Division II or III and find a job at that type of place and start wherever you need to including internships and work your way up. It 's really hard to switch from one to the other once you head down a certain path. You will look at sports differently, your passion may change, choose carefully.” During my graduate assistantship in athletic event management at California Baptist University, I have realized that my passion is specifically event management. My favorite part of the job is acting as team host, welcoming officials and opposing teams to campus, making sure everything they need is prepared and set out for them. Instead of working to be promoted until I am an Athletic Director, I would rather enjoy …show more content…

This interview has made me think harder about what I want in a job and career. Working in Athletic Event Management is an extreme time commitment, most people in these positions are lucky to have one day off a week. If they are lucky enough to have a day off, they are still on call in case there is anything that needs prepared. The benefit of working at a school like Cal Baptist is that there are never any events on Sundays. That is something that is important to me. Knowing this aspect, I would aspire to work at a Christian institution at the Division II, III, or NAIA level. Of course, there are a few Division I schools that would be incredibly difficult to not pursue opportunities at those institutions. If I am lucky enough to find a school and position that I am happy at, I would rather stay at that school instead of job hopping just to move up the career ladder. The opportunity of creating and planning events to improve the experience of student athletes is a huge draw to a career in event management for me.
There is still so much for me to learn in the area of event management, interviewing Seth was invaluable. I hope to continue to develop a relationship with him and soak in all of his knowledge and experience in the field. Seth told me that at the end of his career he wants to be able to say that he never cheated or sold out, that he was always in it for the student athletes and coaches, not for just a paycheck. I would like to say some of the same things about my

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