Awareness And Tolerance Of Race In The Classroom

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). Awareness and tolerance of race in the classroom is seen through wall decorations, application and integration of subjects to the various cultures represented in the classroom, and most significantly, by acceptance of all students as equals regardless of race.
TIS serves the 25% ethnic population by tracking race so that the school can sufficiently justify a strong ELL program. Teachers are consistently, through professional development and morning meetings, made aware of the existence of the impact that culture and race have on the student’s life at school. Finally, in agreement with the International Baccalaureate philosophy, we have no set curriculum, meaning, we have no classroom textbooks, or a specific curriculum to follow. The lack of curriculum allows the teacher to include the subject matter, including heroes or significant people, regardless of race. Students are made aware of famous people within their own race and ethnicity regularly. …show more content…

Comparatively, Figure 6 indicates that Albuquerque as a whole is equally diverse. Part of TIS’s low percentage of ethnic backgrounds, as compared to Albuquerque as a whole, may be that TIS the school does not address diversity publicly, away from campus. With 25% of the student and faculty population of ethnic background (Table 2), and the mission to create a better, more peaceful world through intercultural understanding, TIS has perfect opportunity to bring true intercultural education into the classroom. Improving their effort to publicly address diversity in the area of race and ethnicity would increase the number of ethnic students and faculty on