Balance Between Independence And Interdependence

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How much I would help a struggling child really depends on what age group the child belongs to. I would help a toddler to a greater extent than a school going child of 5 years or up. It also depends on what the task is. If the task is as simple as feeding one self, or changing clothes, I would not help at all and let the child take his time and find how own way. If the task is complicated such as lifting a heavy object or reaching something that is at great height, I would definitely help by making the task easier.

As a mother of two children, I believe I value independence and interdependence equally. In my opinion there are some areas where interdependence is my priority and some where I prefer letting the child develop independence. Both of my children have never been to daycare. However, I made sure they learn self-help skills such as feeding, toilet training, changing clothes, cleaning their rooms, making their beds and getting ready for school at the appropriate ages. When it comes to academics I let my children figure out the solutions to the problems themselves, and provide guidance if and when required. I believe every child should be given the opportunity to explore his choices and make decisions, even if it is wrong, because one learns from his mistakes. In contrast to this when it comes to religious and social issues, I believe prioritize interdependence. …show more content…

In my childhood, interdependence was stressed a little more than independence. Moving to USA has somewhat blended my way of thinking with the American cultural ways and