Basic Biblical Christianity Summary

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Paper 2: Basic Biblical Christianity Summary Paper God is the ultimate Creator of heaven and earth. He is three persons in one; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit – the Holy Trinity in which all things are possible. He is the ruler of all things visible and invisible, and “all things have been created through Him and for Him” (Colossians 1:16). There are mysteries of God and His power that will never be fully understood by man; but His grace, His mercy, and His love are recognized by His countless blessings and by the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ. The sinful nature of man corrupted God’s plan and intention of His creation, yet He loves His children and permits the repentance of sin to save us from eternal suffering. In this paper, …show more content…

However, Jesus’ main purpose was to spread the Word of God. Jesus was God in flesh, granting Him the opportunity to preach the love and truth of our Savior. He also came to “seek and to save the lost” (Luke 19:1-10). His role was to be a teacher, to serve God, and to lead His followers by perfect example. Jesus’ purpose was also to sacrifice Himself. He willingly sacrificed Himself out of service for His people (John 10:30). He loved both the believers and non-believers, and prayed for their forgiveness. Jesus’ role in Christianity is that He is our Savior, and He mended the relationship between God and man. Jesus was the appeasement for our sins (Romans 3:35). He bared the consequences, the hurt, and the suffering of our sins for us to receive God’s mercy. He paid for our sins so that we may have the opportunity to repent our sins and gain God’s forgiveness. Jesus is our Savior, our teacher, and our …show more content…

It is a story of life on earth and eternal life after death. Therefore, it can be difficult to state the bible has one distinct message. The bible and its readings can mean so many things to different individuals, and reading the bible is a deeply personal experience. However, Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for humanity is certainly one of the key elements of the bible. The message, then, is that God is good, selfless, and forgiving, and it is right to give Him thanks and praise every single day of our existence. The message of the bible, and its role in Christianity, is to give insight into God’s creation, Jesus’ sacrifice, and our role as sinners. Its purpose is to show Christians that they are here because of God’s mercy and because of Jesus’ sacrifice, and that we are to respect Him, repent out sins, and live a life to please God only. Everything we have and are is because of the Lord God, and we must live life through Him to show Him the thanks and praise He deserves. The bible is there to enrich the worship of Christianity and to provide a background or foundation to base ones faith