
Becaus Abstractionism Essay

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Artwork has constantly changed throughout history, due to new developments in culture and significant events. New art forms constantly appear, bringing new insight into the culture during that time. Art became focused on realism during the beginning of the 19th century, but the focus shifted towards abstractionism during the later 19th and 20th centuries. While realism remained focused on the physical world, abstractionism shifted its focus towards expression and different perspectives. Abstractionism became important in modern art because it allowed the artist to free themselves from representation and to experiment with their imaginations. Furthermore, artists could express their inner turmoil and emotions from the effects of the two world wars. It also revealed their inventiveness, which allowed them to create masterpieces from their arrangements of color, shapes and patterns. Therefore, abstractionism set itself apart from figurative art …show more content…

“By breaking objects and figures down into distinct areas-or planes-the artists aimed to show different viewpoints at the same time and within the same space and so suggest their three-dimensional form.” Cubism represented a new view of the world, one that had never been seen before. The world had been completely changed by the World Wars, which meant that people were searching for a way to express their emotions. Reality was too horrific to continue depicting. People were unable to process the immense loss of life, which was a result of the wars. Therefore, abstractionism was able to quickly rise to popularity and influence in society. It showed deep insight into the turmoil of society, through the distorted versions of reality shown in the paintings. Reality had become distorted, which is why cubism became so relatable to the world. This was shown by the numerous artists that became devoted to

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